Are Hasselblad and Leica worth it?
Hasselblad and Leica are two of the most well-respected camera manufacturers in the world of photography today but are they worth their hefty price tags?
I have had the privilege to own both a Hasselblad 203 FE film camera and a Leica M262 Digital camera and I enjoyed using both of them. I did however buy them both used. I got the Hasselblad from my local camera shop and the Leica from the Leica store in Mayfair, London.
Film vs Digital
In film photography the only thing that matters is the quality of the film and lens you are using, so by that reasoning, the camera body doesn't matter. In saying that the camera body is the instrument that enables you to take the photo so, some consideration as to the ergonomics and the style of the camera is necessary. The biggest thing with the camera body is that, in all cases aside from in large format, it will dictate the native lenses you can mount on your camera. The issue with Leica film cameras is the effective resolution of 35mm and with Hasselblad is the square format that some dislike.
On digital, the body plays a lot larger role in the decision process. The Body depicts the resolution, FPS, Processing speed, Connectivity and many other things as well.
The Hasselblad V (film) system is a well-rounded and versatile system with lots of parts and accessories. It also gives you access to the excellent Zeiss optics which are second to none in the medium format film space. Natively it shoots 6X6 negatives which some people don’t like but you can get 6X4.5 roll-film backs to overcome this.
The Hasselblad H and X (Digital) systems are also well-rounded and versatile systems with lots of parts and accessories but they are biased on the Fujifilm medium format system and use Fuji derived lenses. I find this a hard pill to swallow considering the price difference between the brands.
The Leica M system has been around since the Leica M3 release in 1954 so needless to say it is a fully-fledged system and every conceivable accessory available new and used. The in-house glass is second to none and is well worth the money. The entire system is very well built and is built by hand in Germany. I did have the pleasure of going around their Wetzlar plant. The big thing with the Leica M system is the rangefinder focusing system which I found harder to use than a traditional in and out-of-focus TTL viewfinder setup. The other thing is with film 35mm Leica M’s is the effective resolution of the film so you will not be making the most of the amazing glass.
Other Leica systems (digital) I have not had the pleasure of using these systems in depth but are well-rounded systems and very well built by hand in Germany.
The big question
Are they worth the money?
Hasselblad V (Film) system: Yes! If you want the ultimate film 6x6 or 6x4.5 system there is no other option and they have literally been to the moon.
Hasselblad H and X (Digital) systems: No! I think the Fuji systems show a lot better value for money. That is not to say that the Hasselblad systems are bad they are just, I think, overpriced.
Leica film system: maybe! If you want the ultimate quality 35mm film setup then go for it but I believe the vast price does not translate into the same jump in picture quality.
Leica Digital Systems: Yes! I think Leica's digital lineup is great, aside from the M8. It has every type of camera you could want in 35mm and there’s even a medium format option, the M system has so many options available, and they are all handmade in Germany!
Sum Up
At the end of the day, value is very personal and subjective. What is good value for me may not be the same as it is for you. It also depends on what type of photography you like doing. The best camera is the one you have with you and that inspires you to shoot.