What is the best computer setup for a photographer?
When looking for a computer for your photography can be difficult with questions like; how much processing power do I need, What type of screen do I need, and what operating system is best? I have had the privilege of using multiple Macs, Windows PCs, and even Chromebooks all in varying states of tune. So in this Photography Chat, I will give you my advice and experience in the world of photography computing.
(Microsoft Corporation Image) https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/d/surface-studio-2-plus/8vlfqc3597k4?activetab=pivot:fulltechspecstab
The Specs:
When looking at a spec sheet or any computer can be a daunting thing so I will try and make it simple. Get the highest numbers you can!
Intel; An I3 does the job but can be slow at times. An I5 is a good allrounder and an I7 and I9 are powerhouses. Avoid Pentium and Celeron where possible.
Apple chipset; The apple M chips are all amazing but follow the same rules as Intel: the standard M does the job but can be slow at times. The Pro is a good allrounder and the Max is a powerhouse. I would avoid any pre-Apple own chipset Macs.
AMD: Again flow the intel rule. 5000 does the job but can be slow at times. 7000 is a good allrounder and an 8000 and 9000 are powerhouses
More is always better! Get as much RAM as possible.
Inbuilt Intel or Apple graphics do the job but designated graphics boards are always a win.
The Display:
You need a 100% accurate RGB display at the minimum. Preferably you want 100% P3 colour gamut. If you are getting a laptop you can always get a monitor to link to if your display isn’t that good.
(Apple Inc Image) https://www.apple.com/macbook-pro/
Operating system:
Apple VS Microsoft:
This is entirely personal preference; don’t let anyone tell you one is better than the other! I chose to switch from Apple to Microsoft because I had personal issues with Apple, but this is not to say that Apple is a lesser system.
Chrome OS????
I tried Chrome OS for a year hoping it would be a cheap travel solution but unfortunately, it didn’t work for me. The only editing apps available are mobile variants and the processing power of most Chromebooks is not there yet (in 2024), I hope this changes in time. If you can edit everything on a tablet or phone, maybe a Chrome OS will work for you, but for most, it simply will not.
(Goolge LLC Image) https://www.google.com/intl/en_uk/chromebook/discover/chromebookplus/
Desktop vs Laptop:
Laptop all the way!
Yes, desktops have the power over laptops but you don’t need that added power for photography. A laptop is portable as well so if you need to edit on the move you can.
The ultimate solution is a laptop which you can plug into a dock and use a monitor, keyboard, mouse and speakers when at home but, this is an added expense.
If you want a powerful computer but don’t have the budget you can always source a used computer from a reputable dealer. Don’t go more than three years old and make sure it's in good condition. This should last you years and save you a lot of money.